Shredded Email Review, pt. 6: Who Is Chris Hall?

Deep within the trash heap that now constitutes my mailbox, I found something marginally entertaining:  A troll who calls herself “Tina J”. She starts off sorta believable:

So far, so good. I’ll give you that: the guy on the right… 

… could actually be the guy on the photo Brian Krümm uses on his website. That’s good, “Tina”: always mix your lies with truth.  

But then, she crosses the line:

…aaand we’ve passed over into “too good to be true” territory again. Sorry “Tina”. Nice try, though. I actually wish this was true. It would explain why Krümm’s name comes before Hall’s in the bottom-right signatures despite Hall being the guy who actually wrote it. But nope, I can’t believe in it.