Defending Shredded Moose, pt. 3: The Lost Strips

I was going to do a thought experiment, but got stuck. 

The thing I had in mind was this: Since so many people (or at least, so many posts) claim that Shredded Moose is somehow good if you just read it the right way, I was going to reread the entire comic from scratch and try really hard to see it – to look actively for signs that SM may be an elaborate parody on sexist pricks, and a funny one at that.

My problem is that the archives are incomplete, so it’s actually difficult to give Shredded Moose a fair review.

This is mainly a problem for the two last years of the series’ run, during the creator breakdown. The unanswerable question is: does the plot make no sense mainly because the author is crazy, or mainly because key parts of the story are missing?

This annoys me more than it should.

For all we know, the lost strips may redeem the entire comic. Perhaps reading them will reveal that the first year of mind-boggling misogyny was just a set-up, something that was meant to be skillfully deconstructed afterwards? Perhaps the lost strips turn everything on its head and reveal Shredded Moose to be a piece of complex art!

I’m leaning towards “no”. 

But in any case, it bugs me that all the archives are incomplete. If you should know about a complete archive, please mail me the link. Oh, and Fake Brian Krümm, here’s your chance to prove you are really Trip: if you mail me the full archive, I’ll believe you.