Defending Shredded Moose, pt. 2

When Shitty Webcomics decided to do its fake “revival” of Shredded Moose, they probably just wanted to piss off Sinfest fans and feminists. Little did they know what they were unleashing upon the world.

In early 2014, several individual posters, in several different forums, suddenly began calling for a reappraisal of the original Shredded Moose. Did SM, after all, have a large group of die-hard fans who missed it and just couldn’t stand by while it was being hijacked? 

Probably not.

A poster at Giantitp began to argue that Shredded Moose was intentionally bad. Somehow, she at the same time thought it was a failure “so bad it’s entertaining”.

In her first post, she felt the need to clarify up front that she “is not Brew. He moved onto a different career out of shame.”

After a while, she began to talk about how some shady leftist conspiracy had orchestrated the series’ downfall.

Gee, how could you ever have anticipated that someone would think 
you’re the author of Shredded Moose?

Oh, look, here’s the same poster on TvTropes, writing a new and totally unbiased entry about Shredded Moose, and complaining that people didn’t notice how the comic shifted into a “progressive direction” in 2008.

At this point, we need a reminder of what the ”progressive direction” looked like.

Again, I’m sorry. We just have to suffer through this together.

These posts are eerily similar to what was happening at Something Awful at the same time [1, 2]: A poster started off ripping on Shredded Moose…

…but then slooowly her tone changed over to praise. By the end, she was sending out a call for artists to illustrate her planned Shredded Moose-inspired webcomic about transgender people.

At this point I’m wondering: How can a comic be both pro-transgender and a tribute to Shredded Moose? I won’t even begin to speculate what Brew would have had to say about transsexuals. From what I’ve seen, the series mercifully did not address that subject during its run.

Cross-dressing gets a pass 
as long as it’s done to harass women.

At one point, possibly by using black magic, she actually managed to get an artist involved in her project. She then went straight on to ask that artist to contact Brian Krümm on her behalf in order to get his permission to revive Shredded Moose. The artist, being sane, declined and told her to seek professional mental help.

Over at the Bad Webcomics Wiiki forum yet another poster appeared, and she was downright infuriated by how they had covered Shredded Moose [12].

Wow, female fan of Shredded Moose, you really know a lot about this Chris Hall guy.

Around the same time, the blog Shredded Moose Memorial came up. Its owner would implore others for tips on how to successfully create her own Shredded Moose-inspired webcomic, but not before she had spent a long time ranting to other bloggers about how “SJWs” (god damn it, I’m starting to hate that word!) spread “anti SM-propaganda” as part of a nefarious plot to destroy not just that specific comic, but the entire “webcomic community” and eventually Freedom itself.

Huh, another transsexual! Come to think of it, that first poster on Giantitp also said something about having “struggled with gender identity” in her past…


There are plenty more threads like these to be found out there, but by now you probably see a pattern. We are left with two options:

  1. Shredded Moose somehow managed to absolutely corner the market on gender-transcending shock “humor” aficionados. 
  2. All of these posters are just one person who is *really* into Shredded Moose.

If it’s the latter alternative, well… Good for her I guess. Really. Everybody needs a hobby.

Just, you know... maybe you should take a little break from Shredded Moose. It may not be the healthiest comic to spend too much time thinking about.

Anyway, I stand corrected: When I found the first of these threads, I thought Chris Hall had hit the forums again to defend his comic, this time posing as female. But in fact, Shredded Moose does appear to have acquired at least one genuine fan.

Congratulations, Brew.