Shredded Email Review, pt. 2

You know how I once said I was getting sick the term “SJW”?

I have changed my mind.

Since I posted about Shredded ’14 I’ve received a deluge of hate mails. More than half of them are from Gaters, and are variations over the theme “fuk u SJW Gawker shill faggot”. This was to be expected. 

However, about 30% of this… Hellspam is from people whose sensibilities are so delicate that they are deeply offended by the mere fact that I’ve made a blog about Shredded Moose at all. They accuse me of taking secret pleasure in posting Trip’s old art. They think I’m a covert fan of Shredded Moose who just wants to direct attention to the comic.

I suspect most of these “SJWs” are just trolls, but I think some of them actually mean it. So, to the people who whine at me that this blog is too offensive to exist: when you behave like this you’re making “SJW” a relevant, usable term. You’re giving the creeps a point. Please don’t give the creeps a point.

Apart from that, I’ve received some more emails from people claiming SM is misunderstood irony or so bad it’s good or both at the same time and blah blah blah. The emails are signed with different names, but for all I know it’s just “Frank” mailing me from several different accounts. In any case: I’ve heard it before, and I’ve addressed it. Spare me.

Oh, and yes “Josie” – I’m still doing the blog. But now it’s more about Shredded ’14 than Shredded Moose, and those really aren’t the same comic. Not by a long shot.

Finally, to the guy calling himself “Mr. Garrison” (yes, I see what you did there) who sent me a crude MS Paint drawing of Mr. Hat raping Brew: I’m not mad at you. Not really. I guess I tempted fate, and deserved as much.

But no, I am not publishing your drawing on my blog.