The Second Coming of the “Revival” of Shredded Moose

I thought there wouldn’t be anything more to say about Shredded Moose.

I appear to have been wrong.

I’m not on Twitter, so I didn’t know about this until somebody sent me an email to tip me off, but there’s this guy who calls himself “Brew Smith” and claims to be the author of Shredded Moose. 

Well, spot on: Brew would most definitely be a Gamergater.

Turns out TwitterBrew has been publishing “new Shredded Moose comics” since September. How this has escaped my attention is beyond me, but anyway here’s Shredded ‘14 if you want to check it out.

But really: don’t bother. TwitterBrew’s version of Shredded Moose is lamer than a guy in a wheelchair with two flat tires.

Firstly, there’s the art. Let’s just say Brian Krümm is most definitely not involved in *this* “revival”.

Secondly, Shredded ‘14 is even more bowdlerized than Shitty Webcomics’ version. At least SW managed to be racist. TwitterBrew’s comic hardly has any blood and gore, and no nudity. It’s not even particularly misogynistic, despite being a comic that panders to friggin’ Gamergaters. Sure, it serves up the hate against Anita Sarkeesian and others like her, but it does so in a pretty well-behaved way compared to most of the Gater horde.

Left: Original, Insane Brew wants to fuck you or kill you, preferably both. 
Right: Jehova’s Witnesses’ Brew wants to have a serious conversation with you about 
the evil influence of feminism on traditional gaming culture.

You really have to wonder why. Why would someone who goes out of their way to deny thatGamergate is sexist use the internet’s most renowned misogynist comic character as their spokesman?  It isn’t the smartest of moves, considering that when people google for more Shredded Moose strips after reading TwitterBrew’s strips, what they’re going to find is this:

Maybe Shredded ‘14 is one of those "false flag operations" that Gaters keep insisting “SJWs” are running to discredit them? People who never heard of the original Shredded Moose will proclaim themselves to be fans because TwitterBrew preaches the Gamergate Gospel, but by doing so they unknowingly associate themselves with the most misogynistic thing that was ever spewed onto the internet.

That’s the only way I can make any sense out of this.